RAOWA has affiliation with few prestigious clubs across the country. RAOWA members may avail the affiliated club facilities from these clubs. RAOWA members will have to be in possession of RAOWA ID card and abide by the club rules (specially the dress code) of respective Club. Name of affiliated clubs with their contact number are as under:
1. Ctg Club Ltd - +88 02333388078, +88 02333388079 / +880 1713123124 (Secy)
2. Ctg Seniors Club Ltd - +88 02 333363996 ,+88 02 333353577 / +88 01711-748734 (CEO) / +88 01727-719017 (CAO)
3. Ctg Boat Club - +88 09639124159 / +88 01769-722334
4. The Comilla Club - 081-65452/081-64566, 01819142015 (Secy Gen, Comilla Club)
5. Khulna Club - 041-724193/041-720229
6. Sylhet Station Club - 01616165001, 01915465150
7. Barishal Club Ltd. - +88 02 478-864440